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PPE Kits

NBC Kids Survival Kit

  • Features the MD-1 Kids Gas Mask with a panoramic field of view
  • Mesh head harness to prevent hair pulling (as common with rubber head harnesses)
  • Comes with the NBC-77 SOF gas mask filter, covering CBRN threats
  • Complete with potassium iodide tablets in children’s dosing
  • The only mask on the market that fits kids from 2 - 12 years old

need to make a bulk order?

Whether you’re looking to outfit an entire squad, an agency, your employees, or your team of contractors, we offer the option to make bulk orders for any of our products at discounted rates.

Convenient Pre-Built kits

Want a simple solution that will start you off right? MIRA Safety PPE kits are an ideal starter to protect yourself from deadly threats. These specialized kits contain all of the base essentials needed to protect a single member of your family, and available for children and adults. Our kits are tailor-made to counteract specific threat scenarios such as nuclear fallout, toxic industrial chemical spills, terrorist attacks, civil unrest, and even chemical warfare agents.
