We think that you'd agree with us when we say that a knife is perhaps the most versatile tool you can have on you when the proverbial SHTF moment arrives. We know there are those who would argue that a gun is more important and we can certainly make that case as well. However, what makes a SHTF moment truly dangerous is that the variables are often unknown. Will you have to fight? Will you have to run? Will you have to breach a barrier? How long will it be before you can get back to safety?
A traditional pocket knife may very well be the answer to all of those dilemmas. A good everyday carry knife never runs out of ammunition and is there for you on a daily basis when the world is operating at normal levels of madness. For the purposes of this article, we're going to focus on the best EDC knife for those SHTF moments. where a blade could make a huge difference We'll cover everything you need to consider so that you an stand ready to act on the day most other people dread. Now, much like the great gun debates of our day, we recognize that picking the right pocket knife will come down to preference.
So rather than tell you what we believe to be the greatest bladein the world, we're going to run through different functions and various scenarios where they could be useful. When we're done, we're confident that you'll have everything you need to make the right decision when comparing the best knives of 2024. For those interested in complete preparedness, consider exploring MIRA Safety's Gas Mask Guide to understand why a gas mask should be part of your EDC essentials. Let's jump right in.

Source: Pexels The Best EDC Knife is the One You Can Afford An EDC Knife You Can Actually Carry Every Day Multipurpose Knives for the SHTF Moment Knives for Fighting vs. Knives for Surviving Why Running is Better than Entering a Knife Fight EDC Knives When Money is No Barrier The Final and Definitive Word on EDC Knives
Table of Contents
The Best EDC Knife is the One You Can Afford
If you don't have an EDC pocket knife on your body right now, head to you local gas station and pick up any cheap knife or budget blade you can find. That's because the best pocket knife is the one you can actually afford. If you've been holding off on picking up an EDC pocket knife for money reasons that's shouldn't be a barrier.
What makes a SHTF moment a true "hit the fan" moment is that it will come up on you unexpectedly. It's a Level 3 "go now" wildfire evacuation and your kid is stuck in the seatbelt that won't release. It's leaving the late shift at work and driving up on a mass protest or criminal flash mob out of nowhere. Simply put, it's any situation where you can use your knife or steel blade to get out of a tough situation.
If you can envision a scenario where you'd need to use your blade, that scenario can happen today. We know times are tough and every single dollar matters. That's why were going to give you our blessing to pick up any budget knife around until you can upgrade to something better. Don't let pride get the best of you here. If you can't afford to drop a few hundred bucks on the latest Kershaw, don't sweat it.
As it currently stands, you can find a folding knife or fixed blade knife on Amazon for less than $10 bucks. At that rate you can grab a knife for your body, bugout bag, kit, glove compartment and more so that you can have a knife at your disposal in more than one location. A knife is the proverbial Swiss army knife of survival scenarios. Get a knife, any knife, and let's carry on with this article.
An EDC Knife You Can Actually Carry Every Day
Heading back to the EDC theme of this article, we should also emphasize that the best EDC knife is one you can actually carry every single day. We think that the Marine Corps KA-BAR is one of the most beautiful fixed blade knives ever produced. However, it is a great knife that may not always be practical for an everyday carry type of scenario.
Maybe your employer would view it as a tad big aggressive. Perhaps it is bit too much to keep on your waist while you move throughout the day. As such, an EDC knife that you can only wear when donned out in full kit isn't practical and won't be there for you during a surprise SHTF moment. Ideally, you need a production knife for everyday carry that can be hidden. A folding pocket knife or a simple blade would suffice in most situations.
In this case, we like folding knives over a fixed blade with a blade length of about 3 inches when discretion is the better part of valor. You can still pick up a great classic brand such as KA-BAR and get a quality product for under $50 bucks if you want a good-looking blade. It is true that a good machete, Bouie knife, or classic KA-BAR has more range of function.
You just have remember that's not going to do you any good if the principal at the elementary school you teach at would take issue with you carrying a machete through the halls. The best EDC knife is the one you can actually carry every single day. Remember, you want a knife that's concealable, flexibile, and lightweight. Go with a blade that you're most comfortable holding.

Source: Envato
Multipurpose Knives for the SHTF Moment
If you ask any Marine how often he has used his KA-BAR in the field, they'll respond with a nonchalant "rarely." However, if you ask them how often they have used a standard multipurpose tool like a Leatherman, they'll respond with often. As such, though we admit it doesn't look quite as sexy, grabbing a rugged multipurpose tool as your EDC has merit.
Whereas Leatherman is the storied brand in the world of knives and blades, you can find cheap knockoffs that still accomplish the mission. Unless you're a knife enthusiast, this shouldn't be of concern. Leatherman tools are popular with Marines in the field because they typically only operate with what they can carry. One utility knife solves a variety of problems and adds little weight to the load.
As we discussed earlier, your typical SHTF moment is going to come with many unknown variables. It may be that a hunting knife would be the preferable solution for one of those unknowns. Then again, it may very well be the plyer function of a multipurpose tool that saves the day. You don't know what you don't know and as such, there is merit to making multiple functions the priority in considering EDC.
Knives for Fighting vs. Knives for Surviving
Full disclaimer, we're going to cover the difference between a good knife for fighting and a good blade for survival. Then, we are going to spend and entire section tell you why running is almost always a better idea than entering into knife fight. In the meantime, let's talk about a knife that is meant for fighting.
Since we've already given KA-BAR plenty of good press, let's talk about Benchmade knives. They offer a tactical knife they call the 3300BK Infidel and when you lay eyes on it, it is clear that it is knife designed to use in a fight. It is a double edged blade with a grooved fuller along its centerline. This isn't a pocket knive; it' an expensive knife that's made to protect you in tough situations.
Contrary to popular opinion, the grooved fuller doesn't exist so that blood can leak out when you're going Rambo on someone. Rather, the fuller just helps to both lighten and stiffen the blade. This means you can stab directly without worrying about the toughness of the blade. KA-BARs and bayonets use fullers as well.
In 2024, the Infidel is going to lighten your wallet about around $500 bucks, but its a good blade for fighting. The double sided EDC blade means you can even fight in a clumsy manner and still wind up cutting something. Benchmade is a custom knife maker, so you can also go to them and find the best option that fits your needs. Plus, all of their blades are made in the USA. A Leatherman tool is not a knife made for fighting. A hunting knife can fight, but it's made for dealing with animals primarily. It's one of the best pocket knives of 2024, but for everyday use, it might be a bit overkill.
Most knife companies, regardless of the blade shape, are not going to come right out and say their knives are for fighting. They'll brand it as survival, tactical, and EDC. However, like the Infidel, they also are not trying to hide the fact that this knife would be a problem in a fight. You just have to read between the lines of their marketing. Now, let's talk about why a knife fight is the last place you want to find yourself and you should avoid at all casts.

Source: Envato
Why Running is Better than Entering a Knife Fight
No one really knows how to fight with a knife like a pro. It is clumsy and when neither side knows what they are doing, it is just going to end in disaster. Even in the Marine Corps, the average young Marine buys a KA-BAR because it is tradition and it looks cool. In reality, the Marines give them more training on how to shave than to fight with that knife.
Fighting with a knife is also not something you can really practice with great efficiency like you can training for precision shooting. While you should carry a pocket knife, it's always better to look for a way out than look for reasons to pick a fight. In our opinion, unless you are backed into a corner with no way out, you should avoid fighting with a knife and that should shape your decision as what knife you EDC.
If you are just in a fist fight and are losing it, it's really not the time to escalate and pull out a knife without an actual solid reason. Not every person uses a pocket clip to advertise they are carrying a knife. When you pull out a knife in a fight, you are justifying that other person using deadly force.
Again, we know that you may be faced with a situation where you have no choice. Particularly in a SHTF moment. Just don't go looking for it. Run from the fight. Live another day. Survive. That's the original point of our work here at MIRA Safety. Using your two feet to egress will continue to stand the test of time when it comes to survival.
EDC Knives When Money is No Barrier
At the start of the article, we gave you permission to pick up the cheapest knife you can find just so that you can be sure you have one. Everyone should have access to a knife. Now, were going to let you fellas with big budgets have some fun. We already mentioned the Infidel coming in over $500 and so let's talk about a few more.
Benchmade also sports a scimitar style butterfly knife that may not be the best option for EDC, but you'll have the coolest looking EDC knife on the block. It too will set you back over $500, but this makes EDC a little more fun given the fact that you'll likely never get into a knife fight throughout your entire life. Plus, Benchmade is a household name in the knife industry, so it'll retain its value quite well too.
Heading back over to KA-BAR and they offer a beautiful EK Commando Presentation, a traditional knife that's elegantly designed. This knife is made with finely machined stainless steel. It will only cost you about $350 bucks, but again, this is one that can do some damage while looking good at the same time. It's definitely not an EDC folding knife,
We spend a little time having fun with this because prepping has to have some joy in it along the way. It's a long-term process of getting ready for the day most people dread. The long-time periods between acquiring gear and using that gear in a SHTF moment can create complacency. Keep your head in the game by having fun in the process is important, and if a fancy Scimitar switchblade gets it done for you, you have our blessing.
The Final and Definitive Word on EDC Knives
Function. Function. Function. Know what it is you are trying to accomplish and purchase a knife for EDC designed for that. What blade steel is used or knife manufacturer it comes from matters less than finding the knife that you feel comfortable using. Finally, when you do select the knife that fits you just right, don't forget to train like you intend to use it. Remember, choosing the best knife depends on the situation. A smaller knife is more suited to close combat, and could make for a great EDC blade.
Finally, please remember, do not get into a knife fight unless absolutely necessary. Very few people really no what they are doing. Carry your knife wherever you go, just don't take it out in every situation. What a shame it would be for you to have prepared to the max and find yourself taking a small knife from a gas station to the chest. So yes, carry a pocket knife as it is a wise use of space. Just don't go whipping it out at the first sign of danger.

Source: Envato