Please Note: This bundle comes with 6 filters in total.
ParticleMax P3 Virus Respirator Filter - 6 Pack
- Uses ULPA filtration technology to stop 99.9995%+ of viral and bio particulates
- Incredibly lightweight for enhanced neck and head maneuverability
- 20 year shelf life for long lasting reliability and cost savings
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Combining cutting-edge ultra-low particulate air (ULPA) filtration with 40 mm standard NATO threading, these P3-certified biofilters work with your existing NBC/CBRN gas mask to provide unparalleled, long-lasting protection from airborne viral and bacterial threats. These respirator filters are vastly superior to common half-face masks in practically every scenario.
Q: Which filter is needed to filter out nuclear fallout? Would the ParticleMax P3 filter work for this application?
A: Yes, the ParticleMax P3 filter would filter out radioactive fallout. However, please keep in mind that it will not filter out gases as it does not contain activated carbon.
Key Features:
- 40 mm x 1/7” NATO filter standard (EN 148-1:1999) threading
- P3-certified protection (according to EN 143:2000 standards) filters out 99.9999+% of biothreats (not suitable for other CBRN threats)
- Lightweight (100g) construction
- Utilizes some of the highest quality ULPA filter construction that works on particles as small as 0.2 microns
- Prevents aerosol and airborne transmission of viral and bacterial threats
- 20-year shelf life for easy long-term storage
- Hydrophobic filter paper is ideal for decontamination showers
Maximum Protection from Pandemic & Biological Threats
Modern gas masks provide unparalleled protection from a wide variety of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats. And now, with the MIRA Safety ParticleMax P3 Filter, the same high-quality mask can protect you from bacterial and viral threats—including widespread pandemics like Ebola, coronavirus (including COVID-19) and H1N1.
This effectively turns your ultra-secure CBRN gas mask into a full-face respirator with the highest level of protection from airborne particulates. Unlike common surgical masks and half-face respirators, you’ll get a perfect seal and full-face protection for everything including the soft tissue around your eyes.
Engineered using the latest in ULPA filtration technology, the same kind you’ll find in “clean rooms” where semiconductors are manufactured. These P3 filters meet some of the highest standards in practically every metric.
They’re made using special filtration media and grade 16 filter paper, resulting in a MERV rating of 20 (the highest attainable for air filtration quality). ULPA filters at this level are handcrafted using specially made fiberglass material, then pushed through a rigorous quality control process to ensure consistent quality across each and every filter.
They’ve also been subjected to extreme testing to ensure they’ll filter out any and almost all environmental biothreats. The filter is even hydrophobic, so you can wear your mask in a decontamination shower without compromising your safety.
The end result?
A filter and gas mask combo that’s practically impenetrable for almost all of the world’s biothreats.
To infect you, viruses must enter your system through particulate or aerosol intrusion. Once you’ve got a perfect seal around your full face respirator (possibly even reinforced with a full-body HAZ-SUIT), it is practically impossible for these threats to enter your body.
NOTE: Due to their sophisticated and specialized construction, these filters will NOT provide protection from common CBRN threats and are primarily intended for protection from biological threats and airborne illnesses. We recommend keeping a variety of filters on hand to tackle whatever threat comes along.
This product comes in a pack of six (6) sealed filters with a shelf life of 20 years. They’re designed for easy long-term storage and handling, with a single package of six filters providing a solid amount of protection for one user (though we recommend stocking a full 2-week supply, if possible).
Certification & Details:
Respirator Filter Storage
Our P3 filters can be stored the same way you’d store other gas mask filters: in a cool, dry place away from exposure to hazardous substances. The filters should be stored in their original packaging at temperatures from −58 to 122°F (−50 to +50°С) protected from the effects of precipitation and groundwater. Maximum humidity during storage of the filters is 98%. Storage in places other than those specified can affect shelf life. Shelf life expiration is specified on each filter. The shelf life of each filter is 20 years.
Ask a Question-
Will this filter work for wildfire smoke?
During fires, a few things happen:
(1) Smoke particles are released.
(2) Gases are released as things burn.
(3) If you get caught in an oxygen-deprived area, carbon monoxide can form.
A P3 filter will work to filter out smoke particles. However, it will not filter the gases that are released when things burn. For that, we recommend a multi-gas filter (like the NBC-77 SOF) that covers many types of gases, as it is unclear what gases you would be exposed to considering the variables.
If you are looking for added protection from particles, gases, and carbon monoxide, we would suggest going with the VK-530 filter. Please note, however, that carbon monoxide is highly toxic, and smoke escape filters are only rated for 15 minutes of CO conversion (they convert CO into CO2, allowing you to breathe it out). Keep in mind, the other protective properties of the VK-530 filter will continue to function, as rated, even after the oxidizing agent is used up.
An SCBA system is absolutely your best bet for fires. However, due to the expense and learning curve on how to use it, they aren’t practical for non-professional users. Click here for the link to the VK-530's product page. -
I will be removing rust from something and need protection from that. Would these particle-only filters work well for keeping out airborne rust particles?
Yes, the ParticleMax P3 filter is capable of filtering out rust particles, dust particles, and even metal fumes.
I see the R in the filter and after looking it up it stands for reusable. How does one exactly reuse the filter?
Filters can be reused so long as they do not come in contact with tightly toxic substances, like CBRN agents. Traditionally, we advocated using a filter only once if it comes into contact with live viral agents. Considering global PPE shortages, the CDC now recommends re-using cased filters (filters that have an outer case that houses the filtration paper) by decontaminating all hard surfaces of your mask and filter and being careful not to come in contact with the filter paper as there is no way to decontaminate the inside of a filter. Please check with local authorities frequently as the situation is rapidly evolving. Our recommendation as of 12/08/2020 would be to decontaminate the filter and then quarantine it for 3 weeks as viruses cannot survive for extended periods without a host cell. With a few 6-packs of filters, you should be able to wear a fresh filter every day and cycle them out continuously to decrease the chance of coming in contact with live agents.
If the P3 filter was to be completely submerged in water for a period of time, would it remain functional afterwards?
This filter is not meant to be fully submerged in water, and we do not have any data to show if it will be effective. However, the installed P3 filter does act as a hydrophobic barrier to heavy rain, decontamination showers, etc. This filter was specifically designed to prevent water from entering the lateral side (the first point of contact for air traveling into the filter).
In the description, it says ParticleMax filters are suitable for use with powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR). Will they work effectively for any PAPR unit that uses 40mm NATO threading, or are the ParicleMax filters approved for only specific PAPR machines?
Most manufacturers will ask you to purchase their filters for their PAPR machines, but in our experience, you can use any 40mm NATO threaded filter, for any PAPR threaded for the same. The only issue may be in flow rate, and a higher rate might lead the filter to have a shorter lifespan as it is filtering more air in a shorter period of time.
So am I understanding this correct that you could use each filter one time and then you must put a new filter on it the next day if you're using daily for short periods of time?
UPDATE: 10/26/2020 - Considering PPE shortages, please refer to the CDC website for the latest information regarding reusing PPE. Please keep in mind, you cannot decontaminate the inside of a filter, only the outer housing. If you make the decision to reuse filters, please follow best practices as dictated by local authorities.
it says it works with GOST threading, but would it work with a soviet GP5?
This refers to the new GOST standard, which is the same as EN-148 (NATO 40mm). It will not fit a GP5 which is old GOST.
What are the dimensions of the filter by itself (for storage purposes)?
It is 110 x 55 mm in size, and weighs 100g.
Hi, I have read through all the questions, and just want to make sure I am understanding this right. My wife is a medical nurse on call, so if for example she puts the mask on at the beginning of the day and takes off the mask at the end of the day with this P3 viral filter (just to be clear I am asking this due to COVID 19 viral disease spread), does she have to replace the filter every day then, or can it be used for several days until she notices difficulty in breathing?
She would have to replace it every day as it is not safe to re-use a filter.
Will this fit on 40mm threads?
Yes, it will fit 40mm NATO threaded masks.
Will the Particlemax P3 filter aerosolized fine mist particulate microbes and other biological agents?
Yes, it will, down to 0.2 microns.
Can a 40mm NATO filter protect against COVID-19 ?
40mm NATO is a thread designation, not protection destination. For protection against COVID-19, you would look for a 40mm P3 filter.
Viruses can only survive on surfaces for a period of a few days maximum. So if the only concern is only viruses like the coronavirus (and I don't have to worry at all about exposure to chemicals, etc.), why is it that gas mask filters cannot be reused after a few days, when any viruses that were on/in it will no longer be a danger?
For safety reasons, we cannot recommend reusing any filter. This would go against all safety standards set out by regulatory agencies all over the world regarding disposable filters.
If you insist on re-using a filter against COVID-19, it would be best to refer to CDC's guidelines. As new information is constantly being released regarding this virus, it would be best to refer to their updates on how long you'll need to quarantine an exposed filter before you can re-use it. -
Will this filter work against deterrents used by LE such as tear gas or pepper spray. If not all, which ones are not covered?
No, it will not, as this is just a particle filter. We would suggest the DOTpro 320 or NBC-77 SOF for riot control agents.
I am using cerakote to coat and spray on multiple objects, will this be suitable to keep me safe? I would like to use my respirator that will take 40mm NATO instead of buying an additional mask for this task.
As cerakote is a solid particle traveling in a liquid aerosol, yes, this filter would work to keep you safe.
I just bought the cm-6m. If I took the mask off in a controlled environment and left the filters in the mask after I had used it would they be okay? N95 masks are reusable until they are not structurally sound.
That depends on if the filters were used with live agents. If they were, they are considered toxic waste and must be disposed of for safety. N95 masks are only reusable so long as they are used with simple particulates (not viral, biological, CBRN, etc).
I have some expired CNBC filters. I know the carbon aspect of the filter is what expires... Will that filter still remove COVID-19? They are still in original airtight packaging (40mm NATO type). Looking forward to the arrival of the order I put in with you all. I know you are severely backlogged. Your services are certainly appreciated!
We cannot say for sure, as even particle filters have glue in them which can begin to flake over time, leading to gaps in the particle filter. For the sake of safety, we only recommend using in-date filters.
How many microns do these filters go down to?
The ParticleMax P3 will filter down to 0.2 microns and made from U16 ULPA filter paper. Viruses are smaller (0.004 to 0.1 microns), but the goal with virus filtration is to capture the particles that would host the virus. Aerosols particles are limited to 10 microns in size as coarse particles (over 10 μm) are liable to sedimentation and rapidly settle.
Will these fit Israeli gas masks?
Yes they will.
What exactly does "disposable, one-time use product" mean? If in home quarantined and Convid-19 was the concern, would I have to discard after each 1-2 hour trip out to get gas and supplies? Or is there a procedure I could follow to leave attached and reuse? A direct answer or reference to procedure is appreciated. Thanks
For safety, yes, you would have to discard after each use. You cannot decontaminate the inside of a filter, so after one use, it becomes toxic waste. When you come back home from a supply run, you would have to fully decontaminate and learn proper doffing procedure (the industry term for removal of personal protective equipment). As part of decontamination, you would dispose of the filter in accordance with local laws.
Is it NIOSH approved?
No, it is not. However, this filter is compliant under European standards.
Is it necessary to use more than one filter for ample protection? What is the difference between using one filter or two filters at a time? Why do the CM-6M gas masks come with 2 filter ports? I am generally unclear as to whether or not any of the individual filters you sell online work independently or if I am required to purchase two of each for adequate filtration.
The CM-6M and CM-7M masks could be used with one or two filters simultaneously. The benefit of using two at the same time is lower breathing resistance and more extended periods between swapping filters, but that comes at the expense of making the system more cumbersome. For that reason, we suggest using one filter at a time for most applications. Also, for tactical applications (using rifles), you have the option of attaching the filter on the left or right side, for left and right-handed shooters. This allows you to get closer to the stock of your firearm, as there is no filter in the way.
How long can you store masks and an assortment of filters in a vehicle without worrying about the degrading of MIRA products? I live in 4 seasons area.
Storing MIRA products in a car is not recommended considering the fluctuation of temperature and humidity. If you commute with MIRA Safety products, we would suggest to bring them into your workplace during the day to avoid these fluctuations.
Will these filters work for CA,OC,CS,CR PS & CN?
This filter is only intended to work with particulates, not riot control agents.
Since I don't have a decontamination shower how could I clean and remove my mask without getting contaminated?
Removing personal protective equipment is called "doffing". To properly decontaminate would require special training as it is a different study of its own. It is the user's responsibility to acquire all the necessary training. There are many resources available online, but we suggest taking an in-person class to maximize safety and proficiency.
Are these filters compatible with MIRA Safety CM-6M Tactical Gas Mask?
Yes, they are compatible with all MIRA Safety gas masks.
How long can this be used before it needs to be replaced? Does one filter last a day or weeks etc? How do you know when to swap it? Thanks
Filter use time depends on atmospheric conditions, the concentration of particles, along with your breathing rate. You will know to swap the filter when it becomes harder to breathe. If this filter is used with viral particles, it can only be used once. If it is used with standard particles, it can be used and reused for an extended period of time (that period would be determined by the factors outlined).
Once the filter is opened, how long will it last?
This filter does not contain activated carbon, so as long as you keep it in ideal storage conditions, it will last 20 years even if it's opened.
Approximately how many hours/days will one filter last one person with continuous use?
That depends on a few factors, including atmospheric conditions, breathing rate, and particle concentration. For viral particles, this filter will last for as long as you can wear the mask. Keep in mind, filters are disposable one-time use products, and it's not safe to re-use a filter once it's come into contact with live agents.
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Waiting for RADFO or nasty bugs.
All products I have sourced from MRE remain unopened and stored in avid anticipation of a critical need should it occur. As funds become available my next purchase will be your PAPR.

Much better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it, my Dad always says!

P 3 Filters
Transaction was trouble free. Assume the filters are as advertised as lives may depend on them.

It's a MIRA
Happy to say, I've had no need to use it........YET.

prepping for Cat difficult times
with Covid and the spread of birds flu gives you a piece of mind, knowing that you’re somewhat protected great product great customer service